Graves also reduce the likelihood of buy osrs gold in a significant way. Although we know that not all people will visit your grave to get their hands in your rage, it is normal. It's not because they're a penis. This is the way that the RS Death Penalty operates. Graves have distorted this.
The blessing was originally meant to be a substitute for a person picking up items and giving them back to you, not as a generic "nerf death" button. It has evolved into, simply something to aid you out in the event of your death. The solution is simple There are three options. Risk only what you can afford, we expect to see a decrease in maxed out gear players in the workplace because there is a slim possibility they could lose it.
Bossing with your friends It's what they did before their graves in order to take less risk. You can do what you want however, you must realize that you will only be responsible when the blessing is granted. I personally will be stealing from people's fat piles of loot. This is an absurd argument.
The old wilderness was around (this was years ago I'm talking about) the PKing community of RuneScape was a good group of people. We first asked "dm?" We then asked "dm?" or "fight?" Before we attacked or fought someone. We wanted to make sure that they were prepared and that we had an enjoyable, fair fight.
People will DM. In many cases in buy rsgp osrs these times, I'll request anyone "dm?" You'll get a reply of "sure" or "yes" within minutes.