While Shadowlands has been available for a few months, players are already waiting for the release date of patch 9.1 on WoW, offering the rest of PvE and PvP content.
The wait is finally over for Shadowlands players, with patch 9.1 dropping on June 29 (US) & June 30 (EU). With it comes a new raid (released a few weeks later) flying mounts, a new area in The Maw, changes to Torghast, a new Megadungeon, and much, much more.
For veterans, you will be pleased to know that reputation isn’t a requirement, it’s all based on your covenant campaign. Completing activities and finishing your covenant campaign will unlock flying automatically, and, as a bonus, all of your other characters will receive flying at level 50! When you unlock flying, you will receive a flying mount specific to your covenant. Kyrian gets a Centurion, Night Fae gets a Wolf Serpent, Necrolord gets a Corpsefly, and Venthyr gets a Stoneborne Brute. I personally cannot wait to fly around Ardenweald, enjoying the scenery.
Many elements of WoW are expected to change with the arrival of Patch 9.1. First, this Patch will end the first season of Shadowlands PvE and PvP content. Thus, the titles, HF and mounts obtained in PvP and PvE (in particular in MM +) will no longer be obtainable.
With a new patch comes a new raid, and patch 9.1 looks to be bringing another banger. This 10-boss raid will feature encounters with the true Eye of the Jailer, the Banshee Queen, and a number of other memorable foes. The raid will launch in Normal and Heroic on July 6th, with Mythic opening on July 13th alongside the first wing of LFR.
World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic is going to be released by Blizzard Entertainment on June 1st, and there are some changes compared to the original WOW Classic gameplay.
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